User defined script functions

User Defined Script Functions

A user defined script functions is a powerful extension mechanism which allows definition of new functions to address specific user needs.

Scalar Valued Functions

A scalar valued function accepts parameters, performs an action, and returns the result as a single (scalar) value. An example of a built-in scalar valued function is SUBSTRING.

Aggregate Functions

An aggregate function performs an action on a set of values and returns a single value. An example of a built-in aggregate function is SUM.

Table Valued Functions

A table valued function return a System.Data.DataTable object and can be used where tables can be referenced.


Registers a user defined script function.

This function must be invoked separate from a script that uses the registered function.


RegisterScriptFunction ( name, source, language, type, assemblies )



Type: string

The name of the function as to be referenced in scripts.


Type: string

The script. 


Type: string

The language of the script. Can be one of:

  • csharp - Use the C# script engine
  • jscript - Use the JScript script engine
  • ruby - Use the IronRuby script engine (experimental support)
  • python - Use the IronPython script engine (experimental support)


Type: string

The type of function. Can be one of :

  • scalar
  • aggregate
  • table


Type: string

The comma separated list of .NET assemblies to be loaded in order to support the script's compilation and execution.

Once loaded, these assemblies will remain loaded for the entire duration of the process execution. 

Return Value

Type: int

1 if the registration was successful, 0 otherwise.


Register and use a C# scalar function.

SELECT RegisterScriptFunction('StringReverse', '
using System;
class Script
    public static void Main()
        // Enter your code below
    public object Execute(object[] parms)
        object input = System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(parms[0]);
        string toReverse = Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToString(input);
        return Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.StrReverse(toReverse);
    public int GetParameterCount() 
        return 1;
    public Type ReturnType()
        return typeof(string);
', 'csharp', 'scalar', null)
SELECT StringReverse(XSElement.LocalName) from XSElement

Register and use a C# aggregate function.

SELECT RegisterScriptFunction('MyCount', '
using System;
class Script
    public static void Main()
        // Enter your code below
    int count;
    public void Init()
        count = 0;
    public void Accumulate(object value)
        // do nothing
        count ++;
    public object Terminate() 
        return count;
    public Type ReturnType()
        return typeof(int);
', 'csharp', 'aggregate', null)
SELECT MyCount(*) from XSElement

Register and use a C# table function.

SELECT RegisterScriptFunction('MyTable', '
using System;
using System.Data;
class Script
    public static void Main()
        // Enter your code below
    public DataTable Execute(object[] parms)
        object input = System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(parms[0]);
        string toSplit = Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToString(input);
        DataTable result = new DataTable("MyTable");
        result.Columns.Add("Index", typeof(int));
        result.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(string));
        int i = 0;
        foreach(string s in toSplit.Split(" "))
            result.Rows.Add(new Object[] {i++, s});
        return result;
    public int GetParameterCount() 
        return 1;
', 'csharp', 'table', null)
FROM MyTable("The fox jumped over the other fence.")


Unregisters a user defined function.


UnregisterScriptFunction ( name )



Type: string

The name of the function to unregister.

If the function was executed once, any assembly loaded by the script will remain loaded even after the function was unregistered.

Return Value

Type: int

1 if the unregistration was successful, 0 otherwise.


SELECT UnregisterScriptFunction('MyTable');