
v5.1.2 Released

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6/25/2014 8:04:03 AM
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Total Posts 22

v5.1.2 Released

QTAssistant 5.1.2 is available for download.

New features

  • WSDL: Limited support for validating WSDL 2.0 documents.


  • XSR: Added support for additional tag types corresponding to all other unsupported XSD facets (e.g. MinLength, MaxLength, MinInclusive, etc.)
  • XSR: Allow control of a release through XTM (whereas before it was available only from under the XTM editor).


  • XTM: Generating XML from XTM documents where XSDs were based on type restrictions doesn't take into account sample/allowed values.
  • XSD: The source editor's Intellisense is broken for nested elements.
  • XSR: Conversion to Russian Doll style does not support recursive structures.